Virgil Delacroix

Virgil Delacroix is around 35 years old. His hair, a chestnut brown, stops at his jawline, and his eyes are a similar shade of brown. He is average height, about six feet tall. Once a Grand Inquisitor in Naphos, he is now the leader of a new Inquisition which moves across Kingdom Lansing after the fall of the capital resulted in a power vacuum and the disbanding of the order once held by the Church of the Silver Moon in the region. Virgil is devout, greatly so, and is obsessed particularly with the idea of a leader embodying the Moon and Maiden themselves**. He has a scar across his left eye, though the eye itself was undamaged. The scar itself is particularly rough, suggesting it is from a demon’s own hands. He wears armour that is fitting for a fallen knight, with obvious damage to the body and arms, but still somehow his silhouette is evocative of the incredible stories of the Hero Knight of Old Morelle. He is strong, and shows it in the iconic weapon he wields, a flame-bladed*** zweihander that has beautifully intricate engravings upon the flat of the sword, spelling out a psalm in the old language: “Maiden guide my blade, Moon guide my faith.” He is a horrifying psycho and you should be horny for him.